Attendance & Offering – May 12th 2019
(no report for this bulletin) ——————————————————————————–
(no report for this bulletin) ——————————————————————————–
The Cathedral – 6:15am & 8:15am Introit Hymns 164 / 476 Opening Sentence Page 98 The Collect for Purity Page 101 The Kyrie Page 102 The Collect……..Easter 4………….Page 169 First Lesson…(No greeting) Acts 9: 36 – 43 Psalm 477 / 23 Epistle…(No greeting) Revelation 7: 9 – 17 Gradual Hymn 664 / 320 The […]
This bulletin is sponsored in celebration of the birthday of Peta Kelsick who celebrated on 10th May 2019 Giving God thanks and praise for my birthday “O LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GO” and Alvin Goodwin on 16th May 2019 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his mercy endures for ever. Psalm 118: 1 ——————————————————————————–
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Overseas: Lorraine Ashterman, Vincent S. Benjamin. Jr., Yvonne Browne, Olga Carter, Evelyn Lambert-Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edwards, Stephanie Hodge’, Ruth Jackson, Eustace Roberts, Genevieve Kelsick, Mignonette Mascall, Tinniel Miller, Violet Morris, George Piggott, Giselle Sergeant, Mrs. Dawn Samuel, Fr. Spencer Skerritt, Bennett Thomas, Dianna E. Lee, Samantha Williams, Jahary Wynter. […]
EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION: We express sincere gratitude for the donation of $4,000.00 to assist with the repairs of the south steps, from a member who wishes to remain anonymous. Appreciation and thanks are also expressed for the donation of $12,000.00 to assist with the cost of the west doors, from a member who wishes to […]
My dear friends, In John 10:27a, Jesus said: My sheep hear my voice. Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? “Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing, that is somehow loud and in your face, you can be sure that no matter how religious and holy it might […]
Sun. 12th May Ps. 63:1-8,98,; Solomon1:1-15 ;1 Peter 5:1-11; Matt.7:15-29 Mon. 13th May Ps. 41,52;Solomon 1:16-2:11,21-22,;Col. 1:1-14; Luke 6:1-11 Tues. 14th Apr. Ps.45;Solomon 3: 1-9; Colossians 1:15-23; Luke 6:12-26 Wed. 15th May Ps. 119:49-72;Solomon 4:16-5:8; Colossians 1:24:2:7; Luke 6:27-38 Thurs. 16th May Ps.50;Solomon5:9-23;Colossians 2:8-23; Luke 6:39-49 Fri. 17th May Ps.40,54; Solomon 6:12-23;Colossians 3:1-11; Lk. 7:1-17 […]
Year C – Fifth Sunday of Easter O.T. Reading: Acts 11: 1-18; Psalm: 148 Epistle: Revelation 21: 1-6; Gospel: John 13: 31-35 ——————————————————————————–
Year C – Palm Sunday O.T. Reading: Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Psalm: 31:9-16 Epistle: Philippians 2: 5-11; Gospel: Luke 22: 14-23:56 ——————————————————————————–
Sun. 14th Apr. Ps. 24,29; Zechariah 9:9-12; 1 Tim. 6:12-16; Matt. 21:12-17 Mon.15th Apr. Ps.51:1-18; Jer. 12:1-16; Phil. 3:1-14; John 12:9-19 Tues. 16th Apr. Ps.6, 12; Jer. 15:10-21;Phil. 3:15-21; John 12:20-26 Wed.17th Apr. Ps. 55; Jer. 17:5-10, 14-17; Phil. 4: 1-13; John 17:27-36 Thurs.18th Apr. Ps.102; Jer.20:7-11; Cor. 10:14-17; 11:27-32;John 17:1-11 Fri.19th Apr.Ps.95; 1 Peter […]