From the Pastor’s Desk

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From the Pastor’s Desk – May 24th 2015

My dear friends, People of God: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour. At Pentecost we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to God’s people, and related to it, the establishment of the new Israel, the Church. Jesus promised his disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – May 17th 2015

My dear friends, The hour for which Jesus came into this world has finally arrived. During the course of His life and ministry, we were reminded often that “His hour was not yet come.” This was a reminder to those around Him that He came for a high and noble purpose. You see, Jesus came […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – May 10th 2015

My dear friends, One of the greatest challenges facing Christian parents is raising children in the fear and nurture of God. There is need for establishing a solid foundation on which sound character, good moral judgment and love for God, neighbours and self are required principles. We are aware, however, that no matter how much […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – May 3rd 2015

My dear friends, Life is sometimes filled with trying, circumstances beyond our control. We can never tell when we will be affected or when the demands of work or the pressures of family life will bear heavily upon us. There are times when we become so overwhelmed with pain or sorrow that we feel as […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – April 19th 2015

My dear friends, People of God: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour. In his first letter Peter reminds all Christians, “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – April 12th 2015

My dear friends, My dear friends while many of the songs people sing in church may be spiritually uplifting, there are others that are helpful to our hearts. But, isn’t it true that most of the songs we sing are less about glorifying the Lord than they are about encouraging our own hearts? In Heaven […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – April 5th 2015

Easter Greetings, It is my hope that your Lenten journey has brought you to the Cross, where you laid down your burdens – the blockages to your spiritual growth in Christ. May you like Mary Magdalene, the Apostle Peter and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, have such a personal encounter with the […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – Mar 29th 2015

My Dear Friends, Suppose we were to sit in an auditorium and witness a replay of all our sins before a church audience – sexual affairs, selfishness, anger, stealing, critical comments and behaviour as well as jealousy. Can you imagine the outcry, the raising of eyebrows, the pointing of fingers, the shameful dispositions and the […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – Mar 22nd 2015

My Dear Friends, Numerous persons in our community as well as our church are experiencing grave dangers.   Some are struggling after being deprived of certain basic rights.  Others are in peril of losing their property because they are unable to pay the mortgage.   Still others are encountering traumatic experiences, abuses and molestations. There may be […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – Mar 15th 2015

My Dear Friends, When we read of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple we probably assumed that this was the first time in Jewish history that the temple had been defiled and needed cleansing. But that isn’t the case. In 2 Chronicles 36:14 we read, “All the leading priests and the people also were exceedingly unfaithful […]