My dear friends,

My dear friends while many of the songs people sing in church may be spiritually uplifting, there are others that are helpful to our hearts. But, isn’t it true that most of the songs we sing are less about glorifying the Lord than they are about encouraging our own hearts?

In Heaven every song will have the same theme. In Heaven, every song will be about Jesus. Every song will glorify Him: Who He is and what He has done.

The song of Heaven declares the worth of the Lamb of God. He is the focus of the song. He is the object of their praise. They lift up His Name because He is worthy to be praised.

Jesus is just as worthy of praise today as He will be when we arrive home in Heaven! He is still Lord. He is still God. He is still our Redeemer. He is worthy of every “Amen!”; Hallelujah!”; and “Glory to God!” He receives. He is still “worthy of every saint who stands to say, “I love Jesus and I thank Him for saving my soul!” He is worthy!

Our problem here is that our praise is diluted by the twin problems of pride and evil. We don’t praise Him because we are afraid of what someone else might think. And, we don’t praise Him because we are usually not in a position to feel the touch of His Spirit.

If we could just lose our pride and deal with our sins, the Lord would come close to us and remind us of the worth of the Lamb and we would offer up His praises. Whether we ever grasp it or not down here, Jesus is worthy to be praised.

The Passion Of The Lamb will be sung – because the Lamb was “slain”. It brings to mind the brutality of the death Jesus endured for you and me, Isa. 52:14; Isa. 53:4-6.

Heaven praises Jesus because He went to the cross and bore the sins of the guilty so they/we might be saved. Heaven praises Him because He died for them!

That is a worthy refrain for us to pick up here on earth! I can’t think of a better thing to sing about than the death of Jesus! I love those old songs about the Lamb and the blood! Praise God, when I hear Heaven sing about the Lamb, I am tempted to join right in, and pray that we will be able to do the same. Amen

 At The Cross

Alas! and did my Saviour bleed,

and did my Sovereign die!

Would he devote that sacred head

for such a worm as I?

Was it for crimes that I have done,

he groaned upon the tree?

Amazing pity! Grace unknown!

And love beyond degree!


At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

And the burden of my heart rolled away,

It was there by faith I received my sight,

And now I am happy all the day!


Rev’d. Pauline Ramsey-Burns
