My Dear Friends,

You may be experiencing difficult times in the home, at work, in the community or even in church. However, do not be discouraged. Jesus declares “Here on earth you will have many trials (John 16:33), – a pronouncement which you must believe as difficulties appear in many forms. Overcoming one perplexing situation can give rise to others. Hence, the question of what is wrong in life is sometimes asked.   Would you be surprised to hear that trials are essential for our spiritual growth? The Apostle Peter admonishes us in the Epistle that bears his name, “not to be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is taking place among you to test you as though something strange were happening to you.” (I Peter 4:12)

            Some of the most rewarding life experiences will come during our disappointing moments – our loved ones leave us and our hearts are broken; employment is terminated, we are close to retirement and are indebted to the bank.   The project we are working on is unfinished, and options seem so distant and out of reach.   These are times when we learn to call effectively upon God and discover that “The Lord is near to the broken hearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18). God could have kept Joseph out of prison, Daniel out of the lion’s den, Jeremiah out of the slimy pit and Paul from being shipwrecked, but he didn’t.   They all experienced trying ordeals. They suffered greatly, but each, through their unique experience was drawn closer to God and eventually had an impact on the world.

God never promised his children tranquility without storm, sunshine without rain, a life immune to struggles and trials. He states, “in this world you are going to experience hardships, difficult times, but do not be discouraged for I am an over-comer and so are those who trust me,” (John 16:33) Our trials force us to look to God and cast all our cares and distresses on him.   Like St. Paul, we shall see the necessity “to rely not on ourselves but on God…” (II Cor. 1:9)

Friends, we will never know what God can do until He is all we have. Consequently, no matter how distressing your situation, how broken your heart, how depressing your circumstance, remember to place your needs into his capable, loving hands, and watch how your nights turn to days.


Cast your care on Jesus,                  He is Man and Brother,

Make him now thy friend,               He is Lord and God

Tell him all thy troubles                   And the way of sorrows

Trust him to the end.                        Is the path He trod.


The Very Rev. Rudolph Smithen.
