The Cathedral – 6:15am & 8:15am
Introit Hymns 164 / 476
Opening Sentence Page 98
The Collect for Purity Page 101
The Kyrie Page 102
The Collect……..Easter 4………….Page 169
First Lesson…(No greeting) Acts 9: 36 – 43
Psalm 477 / 23
Epistle…(No greeting) Revelation 7: 9 – 17
Gradual Hymn 664 / 320
The Gospel John 10: 22 – 30
The Creed CP 561
The Nicene Creed Page 104
Intercessions …(No greeting)
Act of Penitence & Absolution Page 123,124
The Peace Page 124, 125
Offertory Hymns 265 / 183
Offertory Prayer Page 126
Sursum Corda Page 126
Proper Preface…Easter Page 128
Eucharistic Prayer… A Page 131
The Lord’s Prayer Page 144
Agnus Dei Page 147
The Invitation….. Page 145,146
Communion Hymns 493/ 411/ 495 / 243
……………………………..Choir/ MP 1008/ CP 583/ 601/ 595
Children’s Blessing 644
The Blessing Page 150
The Notices, Birthdays & Anniversaries
Recessional Hymn 478 / 388
Fellowship Hymn Holding Hands 333
Dismissal Page 152